New Release Slivers of Infinity
I’m so excited and proud to announce the release of my book, Slivers of Infinity! Remember the pretty cover?

To be completely honest, there was a part of me that never really believed I’d release a book. That sounds so completely strange, because I’m such a big fan of story and writing. I mean, I do all this preaching at ya’ll! But I was convinced that I’d never really be good enough to release a book into the world.
Sounds stupid, right? But we all have our fears, and this is…or was mine. Because I know I’m not exactly Stephen King or Brandon Sanderson. My writing has its flaws, and I know it might not be super acceptable to admit flaws, but I have them. Surprising right! Hahahah.
Because of those flaws, I thought that I’d never really be accepted as a ‘real’ writer. But then I had a realization. I didn’t care.
I don’t care if I outsell Stephenie Meyer, or EL James. All I want to do is write stories, I want to tell stories. So they might be the biggest pile of crap in the universe, but they’re mine. I’ve got to say that my husband was a big help in coming to this realization and giving me that final push to publish.
Because of him, I can say that today Slivers of Infinity is out in the world. This book is close to my heart, probably because I love the story so much and I worked very hard on it.
Now, y’all can pop over to amazon and either get it through Kindle Unlimited, or drop a few bones to own it!
Now that you have a chance to take home an original AE product, your lives are complete.
Now, go forth and write!